40 Years Of Lamborghini

new york aerial cinematography lamborghini

One cold day in 2018, Steve Waldie of Interstate Motorsport had a vision of 4 Lamborghini’s racing down an air strip followed by helicopters to shoot something that has never been done. Steve’s first step was reaching out to his friend Jose Montanez from Gotham Films. Jose got the Shotover K1 ready with 3 red cameras mounted on it so he can capture this moment in a resolution better than Imax. This hammerhead camera rig is one of a kind and was perfect for this shoot.


Jose reached out to one of his personal friends Mark Toia who is an award winning film director from the South Pacific. He just happen to be in New York for another shoot and was super excited to hear about this project. Mark jumped on board and gave some of his expertise to this idea quickly manifesting into a reality.

The last phone call was to Alexander Mazzei, film maker and editor in New York. Steve and Alexander met at Bull Fest in Miami and kept in touch. When Alexander heard the concept, his mind quickly started to visualize multiple Lamborghinis at full speed weaving in and out of each other on the runway similar to fighter jets.

new york city aerial cinematographer lamborghini shotover drone

Production day is here. Waking up super early to get everything prepared and ready for shooting. All the Lamborghinis were resting quietly in a hanger next to the runway. The two choppers were flying in from Linden airport. Steve took a moment to put his driving shoes on and we were almost ready to create something epic. Mark Tioa conducted a quick production meeting, getting everyone on the same page. And there off, sounds of the Aventador fill the airport with shrilling echoes as it flies by the cameras. The wind from the propellers were making blades of grass fly up in slow motion towards the K1.